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Flight plan
A flight plan specifies how a flight is planned to be conducted. Along with the callsign and airc...
Flight Level, Altitude, Height, Elevation, Level - All the Same? Not at All... Terminology Let'...
Low Visibility Operations (LVO) - Arrival
Bei schlechten Sichtbedingungen müssen die Verfahren vom Lotsen am Flughafen angepasst werden, um...
Level Change
While there are various reasons for a level change, this article focuses on the conflict solving ...
S3 Training (APP)
This page is still work in progress. If you find any erroneous information, please contact LM of ...
Sectors - Hannover Sectorgroup
Sector Celle - CEL Login Sector Indicator Frequency Callsign Remark EDYY_C_CTR C...
The sector chart of the whole MUAC can be found here.
Warszawa FIR (EPWW) - München FIR (EDMM)
REV 25JAN24 (AIRAC2401)
Wien ACC/LAUs (LOVV) - München ACC (EDMM) / Karlsruhe UAC (EDUU)
REV 20APR23 (AIRAC2304)
Praha ACC/FIC/APP (LKAA) - München ACC (EDMM) / Karlsruhe UAC (EDUU)
REV 7SEP24 (AIRAC2309)
Padova ACC (LIPP) - München ACC (EDMM) / Karlsruhe UAC (EDUU)
REV 8AUG24 (AIRAC2408)
Karlsruhe UAC - Maastricht UAC
REV 16MAY24 (AIRAC2405)
München ACC - Maastricht UAC
WEF 23MAR23 (AIRAC2303)
Topsky (TS) Topsky is a very powerful plugin and is used by default for all radar matters. For d...
Schleswig Overview Schleswig is a military airfield in the north of Germany which is home of the...
Area of Responsibility Schleswig Radar is responsible for departing and arriving traffic from/to...
METAR stands for METeorological Aerodrome Report and is a coded weather report at a specific time...
Aerodrome Traffic Zone (ATZ)
An Aerodrome Traffic Zone (ATZ) is intended to protect traffic around a highly frequented, uncont...
Radio Mandatory Zone (RMZ)
IFR arrivals and departures require increased attention in the vicinity of aerodromes, which is w...
Transponder Mandatory Zone (TMZ)
A Transponder Mandatory Zone (TMZ) is a defined area where carrying and using a transponder trans...