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Radar Vectors
‘Radar vectors’ just means that an aircraft is guided by the air traffic controller through speci...
Level Change
While there are various reasons for a level change, this article focuses on the conflict solving ...
Vertical Speed
This article describes the use of vertical speed (rates of climb and descend) by air traffic cont...
Speed Control
This article describes the use of speed control by air traffic controllers to manage the traffic ...
This article describes the use of vectoring by air traffic controllers to manage the traffic flow...
Conflict Solving
This article describes the typical methods and controller actions used to solve conflict between ...
Conflict detection
Definitions Conflict. Predicted converging of aircraft in space and time which constitutes a vio...
Runway Change Guide
Runway changes might be tricky, especially during phases with a lot of traffic. This guide should...
Deicing using the example of EDDM
Introduction Aircraft are becoming more and more sophisticated and complex, there are more and m...
Missed Approach - Controller Guide
By definition, a missed approach is the part of an approach procedure that is initiated if the ap...
Wake Turbulence Category
Description The ICAO wake turbulence category (WTC) is entered in the appropriate single charact...
In the following chapters some terms are used, which will be explained now. Upstream/downstream ...
Coordination is indispensable in the overall air traffic control system. This is particularly imp...
Departure release
At some airports it is necessary to obtain a so-called Departure Release from the radar station a...
Addendum (not relevant for VATSIM)
In addition to Approval Request, Release and Reference, there are other types of coordination. Ho...
Anything that cannot be handled with an approval request or a release falls under the coordinatio...
As defined earlier, the TRANSFER OF CONTROL takes place when crossing the sector boundary plus ha...
Approval request
For coordination purposes, there are some keywords that give the coordination partner a rough ide...
S1 Training
Welcome to the S1 training! Since May 2024, the S1 training is no longer held by the FIRs but in...
Im Gesamtsystem der Flugsicherung ist Koordination unabdingbar. Gerade in einem hochkomplexen Luf...