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Efficiency on the frequency

ATC English Phraseology

The controller is responsible for the frequency, as only they know who needs to receive which ins...

Updated 4 weeks ago by 1583954

Tasks Arrival

ATC English Tasks and areas of responsibility

The Approach/Arrival position oversees the vicinity around larger airports. It is typically respo...

Updated 4 weeks ago by 1583954

Tasks Tower

ATC English Tasks and areas of responsibility

The tower is generally responsible for all movements on the runways as well as within the control...

Updated 4 weeks ago by 1583954

Tasks Apron / Ground

ATC English Tasks and areas of responsibility

Difference Apron vs. Ground Apron and Ground, two terms that seem similar at first glance: Even ...

Updated 4 weeks ago by 1583954

Delivery Coordinator

ATC English Tasks and areas of responsibility

With the increasing number of flights on the network, especially during events and online days, t...

Updated 4 weeks ago by 1583954

Tasks Delivery

ATC English Tasks and areas of responsibility

The Delivery position is often massively underestimated and dismissed as a mere talking station w...

Updated 4 weeks ago by 1583954

Tasks of Air traffic controllers

ATC English Tasks and areas of responsibility

Air Traffic Controllers (ATCOs) are responsible for providing the Air Traffic Control Service acc...

Updated 4 weeks ago by 1583954

Effizienz auf der Frequenz


Der Lotse ist für die Frequenz verantwortlich, denn nur dieser weiß, wer als nächstes welche Anwe...

Updated 4 weeks ago by 1583954

Aufgabenbereich Arrival

Aufgaben und Zuständigkeitsbereiche

Die Position Approach/Arrival betreut den Nahbereich um größere Flughäfen. Dabei ist er meist für...

Updated 4 weeks ago by 1583954


Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDDS - Stuttgart

Before you fly... Welcome to Stuttgart! This is an incredibly versatile airport: many short- and...

Updated 1 month ago by 1627359


Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDDL - Düsseldorf

Before you fly... Welcome to Düsseldorf! This medium-sized airport, which is one of the busiest ...

Updated 1 month ago by 1627359


Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDDK - Köln/Bonn

Before you fly... Welcome to Köln/Bonn! This airport is located within the most complex airspace...

Updated 1 month ago by 1627359


Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDDF - Frankfurt/Main

Please use all available parking positions to improve the trafic flow and to reduce delay, not on...

Updated 1 month ago by 1627359

VFR Traffic

Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDDL - Düsseldorf

We ask all pilots to also read the General section with information relevant to all pilots. Desp...

Updated 1 month ago by 1627359

Arriving Traffic

Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDDL - Düsseldorf

We ask all pilots to also read the General section with information relevant to all pilots. Arri...

Updated 1 month ago by 1627359

Departing Traffic

Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDDL - Düsseldorf

We ask all pilots to also read the General section with information relevant to all pilots. Prep...

Updated 1 month ago by 1627359

Arriving Traffic

Airports Langen FIR - EDGG ETNN - Nörvenich

We ask all pilots to also read the General section with information relevant to all pilots. Arri...

Updated 1 month ago by 1627359

Departing Traffic

Airports Langen FIR - EDGG ETNN - Nörvenich

We ask all pilots to also read the General section with information relevant to all pilots. Prep...

Updated 1 month ago by 1627359

Charts & Scenery

Airports Langen FIR - EDGG ETNN - Nörvenich

Charts You can find current charts for all procedures at Nörvenich in the German MILAIS. For a ...

Updated 1 month ago by 1627359


Airports Langen FIR - EDGG ETNN - Nörvenich

Before you fly... Welcome to Nörvenich! This air base is located within one of the most complex ...

Updated 1 month ago by 1627359