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792 total results found

Charts and Scenery

Airports München FIR - EDMM EDDM - München

IFR Charts for Munich Airport are available at (Vatsim Login required). VFR Charts: We suggest to use The German VFR AIP has also recently been made available. Airport Scenery Sim ...


SOPs FIR Langen EDLP - Paderborn/Lippstadt Airport

Paderborn Ground is responsible for startup and enroute clearance and all aircraft movements at the airport. Departure Routes Paderborn has a quite simple structure for departure routes. There are no specific restrictions to keep in mind, except some climb r...


SOPs FIR Langen EDLP - Paderborn/Lippstadt Airport

Paderborn Tower is responsible for all aircraft within the control zone and at the active runway. Runway in use: There is no prefered operation direction at Paderborn. Approaches: For both runways ILS (CAT I), RNP and NDB approaches are available. Control Z...

Capitals of the EU

VatGer Touren

Fliege zu den und lande an den u.g. Flughäfen in der angegebenen Reihenfolge. Die Tour kann nur IFR geflogen werden und besteht aus kurzen bzw. mittleren Legs!  EBBR  -> LBSF -> EKCH -> EDDB -> EETN -> EFHK -> LFPG -> LGAV -> EIDW -> LIRF -> LDZA -> EVRA...

Charts and Scenery

Airports Bremen FIR - EDWW EDDH - Hamburg Airport

IFR Charts for Hamburg Airport are available at (Vatsim Login required). VFR Charts for Germany can be found at:- DFS VFR AIP - EDDH- DFS VFR AIP (Overview)-  Airport Scenery Sim Fr...


Airports Bremen FIR - EDWW EDDH - Hamburg Airport

Parking Positions Parking positions with an additional A or B should be used for all Medium Aircraft except the Boeing 757 whenever available (e.g. stand 01A, 02B). If using the stand without A or B you are blocking two stands and with the limited amount of p...

Departing Traffic

Airports Bremen FIR - EDWW EDDH - Hamburg Airport

Before Connecting to VATSIM Please make sure you have a current version of your Navdata and a valid route. Valid routes are available at Delivery - Clearance (Start-up and Enroute Clearance) When requesting your IFR clearance in G...

Arriving Traffic

Airports Bremen FIR - EDWW EDDH - Hamburg Airport

Radar - Descend Always check the ATIS and report the current letter to Bremen Radar during your initial call. In the ATIS you will find the active landing runway and the approach type you can expect. During the initial descend Bremen Radar will assign th...

Charts and Scenery

Airports Bremen FIR - EDWW EDDB - Berlin/Brandenburg

IFR Charts for Berlin/Brandenburg Airport are available at (Vatsim Login required). VFR Charts for Germany can be found at:- DFS VFR AIP - EDDB- DFS VFR AIP (Overview)-  Airport Scenery Du...

Departing Traffic

Airports Bremen FIR - EDWW EDDB - Berlin/Brandenburg

Due to the recent change of runway direction (from 07/25 to 06/24) please ensure that your scenery and nav data are up-to-date. Aerosoft users need to update the scenery via the Aerosoft One software! IFR Clearance Departure Runway The departure runway is a...

Arriving Traffic

Airports Bremen FIR - EDWW EDDB - Berlin/Brandenburg

Due to the recent change of runway direction (from 07/25 to 06/24) please ensure that your scenery and nav data are up-to-date. Aerosoft users need to update the scenery via the Aerosoft One software! Descent Planning To help ATC, please always plan your des...

VFR Traffic

Airports Bremen FIR - EDWW EDDB - Berlin/Brandenburg

Due to the recent change of runway direction (from 07/25 to 06/24) please ensure that your scenery and nav data are up-to-date. Aerosoft users need to update the scenery via the Aerosoft One software! Departing Traffic Departing VFR traffic on the ground a...

Parking Positions

Airports Bremen FIR - EDWW EDDB - Berlin/Brandenburg

Due to the recent change of runway direction (from 07/25 to 06/24) please ensure that your scenery and nav data are up-to-date. Aerosoft users need to update the scenery via the Aerosoft One software! Stand Availability To avoid any discussion with other pil...

Logon Codes

CPDLC Logon Codes



Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDDS - Stuttgart

Before you fly... Welcome to Stuttgart! This is an incredibly versatile airport: many short- and medium-haul as well as a handful of long-haul flights depart and arrive here and during the holiday season, a lot of vacationers from Southwestern Germany pass th...

Departing Traffic

Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDDS - Stuttgart

We ask all pilots to also read the General section with information relevant to all pilots. Preparation A thorough preparation is important for any flight. We ask you to conduct a thorough briefing to avoid delays and keep it fun for everyone. Route plannin...

Arriving Traffic

Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDDS - Stuttgart

We ask all pilots to also read the General section with information relevant to all pilots. Arrival STAR assignment You can expect to be assigned one of the RNAV transitions corresponding to the runway in use. All RNAV transitions for Stuttgart have altitu...

Departing Traffic

Airports Bremen FIR - EDWW EDDV - Hannover

Before Connecting to VATSIM Please make sure you have a current version of your Navdata and a valid route. Parking positions named with A are for heavy aircraft Parking positions named with R are taxi-out positions, pushback is not required Delivery –...

Arriving Traffic

Airports Bremen FIR - EDWW EDDV - Hannover

Radar – Descend Always check the ATIS and report the current letter to Bremen Radar during your initial call. In the ATIS you will find the active landing runway and the approach type you can expect. During the initial descend Bremen Radar will assign the app...

VFR Traffic

Airports Bremen FIR - EDWW EDDV - Hannover

As you can see on the map Hannover has 7 Visual Reporting Points (VRPs). When entering or leaving the CTR please use the VRPs. State your desired VRP when contacting ATC. Control Zone Hannover Airport and Wunstorf - © VRP N1 N2 E1...