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EDAY - Strausberg

Airfields Germany Bremen FIR - EDWW

General Strausberg is an uncontrolled airport. If you are not yet familiar with AFIS procedures,...

Updated 4 months ago by 1395737

Amsterdam FIR (EHAA) - Langen FIR (EDGG)

Langen FIR (EDGG)

EFFECTIVE: 21st March 2024 AIRAC 2403

Updated 4 months ago by 1424877


SOPs FIR Bremen ETNL - Rostock-Laage

General Laage Apron is responsible for ground movements south of the runway, on the civil apron....

Updated 4 months ago by 1395737


SOPs FIR Bremen EDAH - Heringsdorf Airport

General Heringsdorf Tower is responsible for all IFR clearances, ground/runway movements and tra...

Updated 4 months ago by 1395737


SOPs FIR Bremen EDAH - Heringsdorf Airport

Before staffing this airport for the first time:Obtain a successful grade at the self enrollment ...

Updated 4 months ago by 1395737

EDFE - Frankfurt-Egelsbach

Airfields Germany Langen FIR - EDGG

General Frankfurt-Egelsbach is an uncontrolled airport. It is situated right in the middle of th...

Updated 4 months ago by 1627359

Departing Traffic

Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDLN - Mönchengladbach

We ask all pilots to also read the General section with information relevant to all pilots. Prep...

Updated 4 months ago by 1627359

Charts & Scenery

Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDDG - Münster/Osnabrück

Charts You can find current IFR charts for Münster/Osnabrück on chartfox (requires VATSIM login)...

Updated 4 months ago by 1627359

EDTY - Schwäbisch Hall

Airfields Germany Langen FIR - EDGG

General Schwäbisch Hall is an uncontrolled airport. If you are not yet familiar with AFIS proced...

Updated 4 months ago by 1627359

Sector Splits - EDUU above EDGG

EDUU - Rhein Radar Sector Splits

Complete EDUU (1 controller) EDUU_WUR_CTR is the only station that will cover the whole EDUU...

Updated 4 months ago by 1424877


SOPs FIR München EDMO - Oberpfaffenhofen Airport

Oberpfaffenhofen Tower is responsible for aerodrome and ground control at Oberpfaffenhofen Airpor...

Updated 4 months ago by 1432304

VFR Traffic

Airports Langen FIR - EDGG EDDF - Frankfurt/Main

We ask all pilots to also read the General section with information relevant to all pilots. Fran...

Updated 4 months ago by 1627359

vACDM Pilot Guide


vACDM is short for virtual Airport Collaborative Decision Making. It is a concept that ensures mi...

Updated 4 months ago by 1627359


SOPs FIR Bremen EDDV - Hannover Airport

Hannover can be staffed with one ground controller. The area of responsibility is shown in the pi...

Updated 4 months ago by 1463320


SOPs FIR Langen EDDS - Stuttgart Airport

Stuttgart is a medium-sized and very interesting airport, especially when there's a lot of traffi...

Updated 4 months ago by 1627359

EDDW Overview

SOPs FIR Bremen EDDW - Bremen Airport

Before staffing this airport for the first time:Obtain a successful grade at the self enrollment ...

Updated 4 months ago by 1463320


SOPs FIR Bremen EDDH - Hamburg Airport

Area of Responsibility: The Hamburg Arrival airspace reaches up to FL105 and covers Hamburg Fuhls...

Updated 4 months ago by 1395737


SOPs FIR München EDDN - Nürnberg Airport

Nürnberg Ground is responsible for IFR and start-up clearance as well as all taxiing traffic at t...

Updated 4 months ago by 1593864


SOPs FIR Langen EDFM - Mannheim City Airport

The Mannheim CTR(HX) is a class D airspace from ground to 2000 ft MSL.  CTR Mannheim/City - © op...

Updated 4 months ago by 1627359


SOPs FIR Langen EDFH - Frankfurt-Hahn Airport

Approaches: For both runways ILS (RWY 21 CAT III, RWY 03 CAT I), RNP and NDB approaches are avail...

Updated 4 months ago by 1627359