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Area of Responsibility Ground

Ground can be divided into two sectors:

Sector Login Station ID Frequency
Area of Responsibility
North Ground EDDM_N_GND MGN 121.980
Taxiways N and M, all intersections of runway 08L/26R
South Ground EDDM_S_GND MGS 121.830
Taxiways S and T, all intersections of runway 08R/26L

If only one ground station is staffed, it covers the AoR of the other ground station as well.

Ground and Apron, resp. two Ground may only be staffed if Delivery is staffed, too.

Ground is usually only staffed after Tower, Apron and Delivery are already staffed.


Ground issues a taxi clearance to an entry or a holdingpoint and hands the aircraft over to the next responsible station at the clearance limit.

MGN MP2 N3, N4
MGS MP2 S7, S8

The handover from Ground to Tower can be instructed as "Contact" or "Standby for". It should be coordinated at the beginning of a session how Tower wants to receive handovers from ground.

Contact München Tower *on* (frequency)
Standby for München Tower *on* (frequency)
Departing traffic

Ground receives departing traffic from Apron depending to operation direction at the respective entries. Ground then issues a taxi clearance to a suitable holding point of the departure runway. Ground shall create an efficient departure sequence by assigning a suitable runway intersection, taking SID, WTC and other factors into account. The handover from Ground to Tower should be made as soon as possible.

Arriving traffic

Incoming traffic should actually call Ground on its own after leaving the runway. Unfortunately, this rarely works on VATSIM, so incoming traffic is usually handed over by Tower. The traffic receives taxi clearance from Ground to one of the entries as a transfer point. The choice of the entry depends on the planned parking position (Terminal 1 or 2) and the operating direction. Shortly before reaching the entry, the traffic is transferred to the responsible Apron controller.

Ground movement control


In order to optimize the flow of traffic, the following taxi routing is recommended:

  • N/S opposite to runway direction
  • M/T in runway direction

Holding Points

The efficient sequencing of traffic at the holding points allows the tower to make optimum use of the available capacity at all times. To achieve this, Ground must route the traffic to the holding points correctly sorted in advance.

Sorting by SID

Departures should be processed in such a way that different SIDs depart one after the other, so that a closer spacing can be used (3NM on different SID vs 5NM on same SID). 
The three holding points at the beginning of the departure runway should each be used for a different SID, allowing Tower to create an efficient mix of different SIDs.

The goal is to avoid having traffic at the front of all holding points that will fly the same SID.

The most used SIDs in the northern RWY-System often are GIVMI and INPUD,
the most used SIDs in the southern RWY-System often are MERSI, KIRDI and TURBU.

Intersection Departures

Pilots have to prepare the following intersections for departure, depending on the aircraft category:

Aircraft Category
Heavy+ A1/A2 4000 m B1/B2 4000 m A14/A15 4000 m B14/B15 4000 m
Medium Jet A3 3800 m B3 3800 m A13 3800 m B13 3800 m
Light Jet A4 2820 m B4 2840 m A12 2780 m B12 2820 m
Turboprop A6 2200 m B6 2220 m A10 2260 m B10 2200 m

These intersections can be assigned to pilots without prior consent. If an intersection departure is not possible for any reason, the pilot must actively report "unable".