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Tags Explanation

EDWW - Bremen Radar Profile

Colors EDWW

Color State Meaning


Transfer initiated
Track is assumed
Track is being transferred to the next controller


Track will enter the active sector (> 15 min)
Track will enter the active sector (< 15 min)




Track will not enter active sector

Track has been transferred to the next controller but is still inside the active sector


Urgency STCA-, MTCD-Alerts, Equipment-Warnings


Warning Risk, APW, not confirmed STAR/SID/RWY




Proposition in/out Outgoing or incoming coordination requests


Proposition accepted Accepted coordination requests

Label EDWW

Untagged Label


CALLSIGN Callsign --
GS Groundspeed --
AFL Actual Flight Level --
Descent/Climb Indicator Only shown when the aircraft is climbing or descending
CRC Computed Rate of Climb/Descent Only shown when the aircraft is climbing or descending

Tagged Label


WARNINGS Warnings Any form of Topsky Warnings (e.g. APW, MTCD, STCA, CLAM, RAM)
SQI Squawk Indicator Decodes SQUAWK into an abbreviation to indicate certain flight movements
CTL Cleared to Land Indicator Only shown when toggled (right-click on AFL in detailed tag)
WTC Wake-Turbulence Category Only shown when WTC is not Medium
GS Groundspeed
AFL Actual Flight Level --
Descent/Climb Indicator Only shown when the aircraft is climbing or descending
CRC Computed Rate of Climb/Descent Only shown when the aircraft is climbing or descending
CFL Cleared Flight Level Only shown when CFL does not match AFL
RFL Requested Final Level Only shown when changed by the previous sector
ADES Destination Aerodrome Only shown when toggled in the detailed tag
PEL Planned Entry Level Only shown during coordination
XFL Planned Exit Level Only shown during coordination
COP Coordination Point Only shown during coordination
AHDG Assigned Heading Only shown during coordination
ASP  Assigned Speed Only shown when assigned
DMACH Downloaded MACH Actual MACH of the aircraft is flying (based on calculations), only shown when toggled in the detailed tag
DIAS Downloaded IAS Actual IAS of the aircraft is flying (based on calculations)

Detailed Label

EDWW detailed Tag.png

WARNINGS Warnings Any form of Topsky Warnings (e.g. APW, MTCD, STCA, CLAM, RAM)

SQI Squawk Indicator Decodes SQUAWK into an abbreviation to indicate certain flight movements

CTL Cleared to Land Indicator Only shown when toggled (right-click on AFL in detailed tag)

Open Topsky Callsign Menu Open Euroscope Handoff Menu
WTC Wake-Turbulence Category

FR Flight Rule Indicator
Open Euroscope F-Plan Open Euroscope F-Plan
SSR Transmitted SSR Transmitted Squawk Code  Auto Assign Squawk Open Squawk Menu
SI Sector Indicator IF assumed: shows next stations indicator / 3 minutes prior sector entry shows next frequency
All other states: Shows current unit that has track assumed
Open Next Controller Menu Toggle SI/frequency
GS Groundspeed

AFL Actual Flight Level

Toggle CTL Indicator
Descent/Climb Indicator Only shown when the aircraft is climbing or descending

CRC Computed Rate of Climb/Descent Only shown when the aircraft is climbing or descending

CFL Cleared Flight Level
Open Topsky CFL/PEL Menu Open Euroscope CFL Menu
ARC Assigned Vertical Rate
Open Topsky ARC Menu Open Euroscope ARC Menu
XFL Planned Exit/Entry Level

Prior sector entry: Planned Entry Level

When tracked: Planned Exit Level

Open PEL/XFL Menu Toggle Altitude Route Prediction
RFL Requested Final Level

Open Topsky RFL Menu Open Euroscope RFL Menu
ADES Destination Aerodrome

Toggle ADES display for tagged label Open Euroscope F-Plan
COP Coordination Point

IF assumed: shows exit COP
All other states: shows entry COP

Open Topsky Waypoint Menu Toggle Route Draw
AHDG Assigned Headings

Only shown during coordination

Open Topsky AHDG Menu Open Topsky AHDG Menu
TRACK Current Magnetic Track

Open Topsky AHDG Menu Open Euroscope AHDG Menu
ATYP Aircraft Type

Open Communications Menu Open Topsky F-Plan
ASP Assigned Speed

Open Topsky ASP Menu Open Euroscope ASP Menu
AHDG Assigned Headings

Euroscope Heading Draw available

Open Topsky AHDG Menu Open Euroscope AHDG Menu
STAR Planned Arrival Route

Turns green when selected again --> confirmed

Open Euroscope STAR Menu Open Euroscope STAR Menu
ARWY Planned Arrival Runway

Turns green when selected again --> confirmed

Open Euroscope RWY Menu Open Euroscope RWY Menu
STAND Planned Arrival Stand

Only shown when stand is assigned to aircraft

Open GRP Stand Menu
DIAS Downloaded IAS Actual IAS of the aircraft is flying (based on calculations)
Open GRP Stand Menu
DMACH Downloaded MACH Actual MACH of the aircraft is flying (based on calculations), only shown above FL245
Toggle DMACH display
RMK Scratchpad / Remarks
Edit Scratchpad Edit Scratchpad

EDYY - Maastricht Radar Profile

Colors EDYY

Color State Meaning


Transfer initiated
Track is assumed
Track is being transferred to the next controller




Track will enter the active sector (> 15 min)
Track will enter the active sector (< 15 min)

Track has been transferred to the next controller but is still inside the active sector



Track will not enter active sector




STCA-, MTCD-Alerts, Equipment-Warnings

Risk, APW




Proposition in/out Outgoing or incoming coordination requests


Proposition accepted Accepted coordination requests

Label EDYY

Untagged Label


AFL Actual Flight Level --
Descent/Climb Indicator Only shown when the aircraft is climbing or descending

Tagged Label


WARNINGS Warnings Any form of Topsky Warnings (e.g. APW, MTCD, STCA, CLAM, RAM)
RMK Scratchpad / Remarks Only shown when text is in the scratchpad
SI Sector Indicator IF assumed: shows next stations indicator / 3 minutes prior sector entry shows next frequency
All other states: Shows current unit that has track assumed
ATYP Aircraft Type Only shown when toggled in the detailed tag
WTC Wake-Turbulence Category Only shown when WTC is not Medium or when toggled in the detailed tag
AFL Actual Flight Level
Descent/Climb Indicator Only shown when the aircraft is climbing or descending
CRC Computed Rate of Climb/Descent Only shown when the aircraft is climbing or descending
ARC Assigned Rate of Climb/Descent Only shown when assigned
CFL Cleared Flight Level

Only shown when CFL does not match AFL

CFL = PEL when aircraft is prior sector entry

COP Coordination Point Only shown during coordination
GS Groundspeed
ASP Assigned Speed Only shown when assigned
XFL Planned Exit Level Only shown during coordination
ADES Destination Aerodrome Only shown when toggled in detailed tag (not assumed) or when the tag is assumed
DMACH Downloaded MACH Actual MACH of the aircraft is flying (based on calculations), only shown when toggled in the detailed tag
DIAS Downloaded IAS Actual IAS of the aircraft is flying (based on calculations), only shown when toggled in the detailed tag
DHDG Downloaded Heading Only shown when toggled in the detailed tag

Detailed Tag


WARNINGS Warnings Any form of Topsky Warnings (e.g. APW, MTCD, STCA, CLAM, RAM)

RMK Scratchpad / Remarks Only shown when text is in the scratchpad Edit Scratchpad Edit Scratchpad
Open Topsky Callsign Menu Open Euroscope Handoff Menu
SSR Transmitted SSR Transmitted Squawk Code  Auto Assign Squawk Open Squawk Menu
SI Sector Indicator IF assumed: shows next stations indicator / 3 minutes prior sector entry shows next frequency
All other states: Shows current unit that has track assumed
Open Next Controller Menu Assume/Transfer
ATYP Aircraft Type
Edit Scratchpad Open Communications Menu
WTC Wake-Turbulence Category
Open Squawk Menu Toggle WTC display
AFL Actual Flight Level
Open Topsky CFL menu Toggle Route Draw
Descent/Climb Indicator Only shown when the aircraft is climbing or descending Open Topsky ARC Menu
CRC Computed Rate of Climb/Descent Only shown when the aircraft is climbing or descending Open Topsky ARC Menu
CFL Cleared Flight Level


Open Topsky CFL Menu Open Euroscope CFL Menu
ARC Assigned Rate of Climb/Descent
Open Topsky ARC Menu
XFL Planned Exit/Entry Level

Prior sector entry: Planned Entry Level

When tracked: Planned Exit Level

Open PEL/XFL Menu Open Topsky RFL Menu
RFL Requested Final Level

Open Topsky RFL Menu Open Euroscope RFL Menu
GS Groundspeed

Open Topsky ASP Menu Toggle GS display
COP Coordination Point

IF assumed: shows exit COP
All other states: shows entry COP

Open Topsky Waypoint Menu Toggle Route Draw
ASP Assigned Speed

Open Topsky ASP Menu Open Euroscope ASP Menu
ADES Destination Aerodrome

Open Euroscope F-Plan Toggle ADES display
RMK Scratchpad / Remarks

Edit Scratchpad
AHDG Assigned Heading

Euroscope Heading Draw available

Open Topsky AHDG Menu Open Topsky Waypoint Menu
DMACH Downloaded MACH Actual MACH of the aircraft is flying (based on calculations), only shown above FL245
Toggle DMACH display
DIAS Downloaded IAS Actual IAS of the aircraft is flying (based on calculations)
Toggle DIAS display
DHDG Downloaded Heading

Toggle DHDG display
TRACK Current True Track

EDUU - Rhein Radar Profile

Colors EDUU

Color State Meaning


Transfer initiated
Track is assumed
Track is being transferred to the next controller


Track will enter the active sector (> 15 min)
Track will enter the active sector (< 15 min)



Track has been transferred to the next controller but is still inside the active sector


Track will not enter active sector


Urgency STCA-, MTCD-Alerts, Equipment-Warnings


Warning Risk, APW, not confirmed STAR/SID/RWY




Proposition in/out Outgoing or incoming coordination requests


Proposition accepted Accepted coordination requests

Label EDUU

Untagged Label

EDWW_UU label untagged.png

CALLSIGN Callsign --
AFL Actual Flight Level --
Descent/Climb Indicator Only shown when the aircraft is climbing or descending
CRC Computed Rate of Climb/Descent Only shown when the aircraft is climbing or descending
GS Groundspeed

Tagged Label


WARNINGS Warnings Any form of Topsky Warnings (e.g. APW, MTCD, STCA, CLAM, RAM)
RMK Scratchpad / Remarks Only shown when text is in the scratchpad
SI Sector Indicator IF assumed: shows next stations indicator / 3 minutes prior sector entry shows next frequency
All other states: Shows current unit that has track assumed
ATYP Aircraft Type --
WTC Wake-Turbulence Category Only shown when WTC is not Medium
AFL Actual Flight Level --
Descent/Climb Indicator Only shown when the aircraft is climbing or descending
CRC Computed Rate of Climb/Descent Only shown when the aircraft is climbing or descending
ARC Assigned Rate of Climb/Descent Only shown when assigned
CFL Cleared Flight Level

Only shown when CFL does not match AFL

COP Coordination Point Only shown during coordination
GS Groundspeed
ASP Assigned Speed Only shown when assigned
NPT Next Waypoint
XFL Planned Exit Level Only shown when applicable
ADES Destination Aerodrome
PEL Planned Entry Level Only shown when applicable
NSSR Assigned SSR Code Only shown if NSSR is not same as TSSR
DIAS Downloaded IAS Actual IAS of the aircraft is flying (based on calculations), only shown when toggled in the detailed tag
DMACH Downloaded MACH Actual MACH of the aircraft is flying (based on calculations), only shown when toggled in the detailed tag

Detailed Label


WARNINGS Warnings Any form of Topsky Warnings (e.g. APW, MTCD, STCA, CLAM, RAM)

RMK Scratchpad / Remarks Only shown when text is in the scratchpad Edit Scratchpad Edit Scratchpad
Open Topsky Callsign Menu Toggle Route Draw
SI Sector Indicator IF assumed: shows next stations indicator / 3 minutes prior sector entry shows next frequency
All other states: Shows current unit that has track assumed
Open Next Controller Menu Assume/Transfer
ATYP Aircraft Type
Edit Scratchpad Open Communication Type Menu
WTC Wake-Turbulence Category
Toggle WTC highlight Auto Assign Squawk
+ Extended Label Marker
Open Extended Label
AFL Actual Flight Level
Open Topsky CFL Menu Open Topsky RFL Menu
Descent/Climb Indicator Only shown when the aircraft is climbing or descending

CRC Computed Rate of Climb/Descent Only shown when the aircraft is climbing or descending Open Topsky ARC Menu Clear ARC Value
ARC Assigned Rate of Climb/Descent
Open Topsky ARC Menu Clear ARC Value
CFL Cleared Flight Level
Open Topsky CFL/PEL Menu Open Topsky ARC Menu
COP Coordination Point
Open Topsky Waypoint Menu Toggle Route Draw
GS Groundspeed
Open Topsky ASP Menu Clear ASP Value
ASP Assigned Speed Only shown when assigned Open Topsky ASP Menu Clear ASP Value
AHDG Assigned Heading
Open Topsky AHDG Menu Open Topsky Waypoint Menu
XFL Planned Exit Level Only shown when applicable Open Euroscope XFL Menu Open Topsky RFL Menu
ADES Destination Aerodrome
Open Topsky F-Plan Auto Assign Squawk
PEL Planned Entry Level Only shown when applicable Open Euroscope PEL Menu
NSSR Assigned SSR Code Only shown if NSSR is not same as TSSR

DIAS Downloaded IAS Actual IAS of the aircraft is flying (based on calculations) Toggle DIAS Toggle DIAS
DMACH Downloaded MACH Actual MACH of the aircraft is flying (based on calculations), only shown above FL245 Toggle DMACH Toggle DMACH
DHDG Downloaded Heading

TRACK True Ground Track

Extended Label


TSSR Transmitted SSR Transmitted Squawk Code  Auto Assign Squawk Open Topsky Squawk Menu
ADEP Departure Aerodrome

ADES Destination Aerodrome

ALTN Alternate Aerodrome

RFL Requested Final Level
Open Topsky RFL Menu
COMPANY C/S Company Callsign