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Before you fly...

Welcome to Düsseldorf! This medium-sized airport, which is one of the busiest on VATSIM, hosts flights from and to many different destinations throughout Europe as well as some longer flights from or to the Middle East. Due to the amount of traffic and the airport's complexity, it is very important that you prepare yourself thoroughly to keep it fun for everyone and avoid mistakes which might lead to delays for yourself and other users.

If you are new to VATSIM, you might want to avoid the airport until you have gotten more comfortable with flying on the network. Controllers at Düsseldorf are usually too busy to provide much assistance to new users. There are many other, less busy and less complicated airports throughout Germany which see regular staffing as well and where controllers have more time for you.

Parking position

Please make sure you choose an appropriate stand for your aircraft type.

Passenger flights use any parking position that is not designated for other use, but primarily those at the Terminal. A380s can only use stands C02A, V08B, and V11B.
Cargo flights use parking positions V38 thru V42 at the cargo terminal.
General aviation aircraft use the general aviation apron in the Southwest of the airport.

Do not use stand V01 as this stand blocks part of TWY T.

If possible, avoid using stands V02 thru V08 and V61 thru V72, particularly when icing conditions can be expected, as these parking positions double as deicing pads.

777 parking positions

With the PMDG 777 release for MSFS we suggest using the following parking positions for the best experience. Only the positions below are suitable for the B773/B77W.

  • A05, A07, A11, A12A: DLH group + Star Alliance
  • B03, B06, B08, B09: Schengen flights
  • C02, C03, C05, C06: THY, BAW, QTR, UAE, ETD, MSR


Complex instructions

As space is at a premium on Düsseldorf's apron and in its TMA, which results in controllers having to find creative solutions to avoid delays, you may well encounter instructions that you are unable to comply with. This doesn't even have to be a lack of skill on your part: sometimes your simulator simply doesn't have the functionality required.

If you receive an instruction that you are unable to comply with for any reason, hold position and inform ATC immediately!

If you are unsure what the controller wants you to do, hold position and inform ATC immediately. Not doing so will most likely result in you doing something else than ATC expects, thus causing major problems and delays; on the other hand, controllers have no problem with you asking for an explanation or a different instruction.


When instructed to contact another controller, do so as soon as possible. This will avoid you having to stop moving or level off. Please do not hold your position to switch the frequency, keep moving on the ground!


Düsseldorf utilizes an auto-handoff procedure for IFR departures where Tower will not hand off outbounds to the departure controller. The current airborne frequency will always be noted in the ATIS.

Contact the airborne frequency when passing 2000ft unless explicitly told to remain on Tower frequency.