Arrival - Sector Hamm
Responsible for all arrivals and departures into Münster/Osnabrück is Langen Sector Hamm (HMM). Most of the time this sector also covers sector Paderborn Low (PADL) which is responsible for Dortmund EDLW and Paderborn/Lippstadt EDLP.
Münster Arrivals/Departures
Inbounds: All flights into Münster have to use BAMSU (inside DLA sector) or DOMEG as last waypoint. All STARs end at HMM, thereafter the published ILS, RNP or NDB approach can be cleared. If using vectors to the final, the MVA need to be taken into account. Inbounds via BASUM are already cleared for the STAR by the previous controller. It's also possible to coordinate directs with the previous controller to HMM without using the published arrival, especially when coming from Amsterdam FIR.
Inbounds from Amsterdam via SONEB Z841 DOMEG will enter the sector from the west and are released for turns and descend. Inbounds on the BAMSU STAR will enter the sector descending to reach level at HMM.
Traffic Flows
Inbounds Düsseldorf: One of the main duties at Hamm is to sequenze the inbound flow into Düsseldorf EDDL. Three routings entering the sector coming from Bremen/Maastricht via OSN, RORUS and DENOL, merging at HMM to continue via T851 to HALME. Inbounds to EDLV and EDLN will leave the sector via SOVUX.
After coordination with Düsseldorf Arrival, sector Hamm may already clear the appropriate arrival/transition for the inbound via HALME.
Outbounds Düsseldorf: Outbounds Düsseldorf will enter sector Hamm via MEVEL and will leave the sector climbing FL240 to Maastricht in north-eastern direction.
Inbounds Amsterdam EHAM and EHAA FIR: Most of the inbounds to Amsterdam EHAM and the EHAA FIR (e.g. EHRD, EHLE...) will overfly sector Hamm towards NORKU and will always stay clear of the sector. Some lower routings lead via HMM T281 NORKU as well as HMM L602 RKN and are transfered according to the LoA.
Inbounds Dortmund and Paderborn: If sector Paderborn Low PADL is staffed, inbound traffic to Dortmund EDLW and Paderborn/Lippstadt EDLP need to be coordinated individually. Usually FL80 is used.
Active runways for EDDL has to be set for correct level assignments and sector borders! Only set the DEP RWY, no need to activate the airport itself.
Restricted Area
There are several ED-Rs within the eastern part of sectors PADL and HMM. The military ED-R 203A "Münsterland" reaches from FL80 up to FL150. Above this is the ED-R 203B between FL150 to FL200. Both ED-Rs are regular active. Additionally ED-R 162 "Lanta Paderborn" is located within the mentioned ED-Rs reaching from 3.500 ft AMSL up to FL125. All restricted areas are automatically activated in Euroscope according the real world airspace use plan. When active, all flights should stay outside the active ED-Rs.
ED-R 203A from FL80 to FL150 (red area) - ©
VFR Traffic
In real life the sector is known for a lot of VFR and training flights due to many flight schools located in this area.
FIS: All VFR traffic that are provided with Flight Information Service should get Squawk 7742.
TMZ: VFR Ttraffic within the TMZ of Münster not using flight information services should set transpondercode 6104.
If holdings are required (e.g. for Düsseldorf inbounds) HMM VOR (257° L | 5000+) should be used for that up to FL240.
Sector Hamm should not use holdings at OSN VOR (207° R | 5000+) for transfering traffic, this traffic need to hold above FL70 within the responsibility of Bremen Radar.