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Spangdahlem Ground is responsible for all ground movements at the airport.

Parking positions

Cargo and personnel transport flights park on the Southeastern side of the airport, other traffic uses the Northwestern side.

The hard shelters are used by fighter jets.
Ramps 1 thru 4 are used for helicopters, training aircraft, and similar traffic.
Ramp 5 is used for all cargo and personnel transport flights except for those transporting hazardous cargo which shall instead use Ramp 6. Additionally, all aircraft with a wingspan >41m always have to use Ramp 5 or 6.

Ground movements

All outbound aircraft can be expected to call in ready for taxi. Pushbacks are not needed at any parking position in Spangdahlem.

Hot Pits

There are three hot pits on the Northwestern side of the airport. These are used for on-the-fly refueling of fighter jets between missions. They are only used on pilot request or as per a prior mission briefing.

Arm/Dearm Pads

There are Arming/Dearming pads near the holding points on the Northwestern side of the airport. These are used by fighter jets and other aircraft equipped or to be equipped with active ammunition and/or warheads. Like the hot pits, they are only used on pilot request or as per a prior mission briefing.

Intersection departures

Intersection departures are available for all aircraft from C and D during 22 operations and B and C during 04 operations. Pilots being given an intersection departure shall always be informed of the TORA for the intersection. All taxi clearances to intersections must be approved by Spangdahlem Tower.

Spangdahlem Ground: Duke 31, taxi to holding point runway 22, intersection Delta, via Charlie, Papa, Delta, TORA 7900ft.