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ATC Coordinator Position

Coordinators supervise a specific group of controllers during high traffic operations or events. They are responsible for keeping an eye on all traffic in their area of responsibility and, if necessary, taking control measures to enable efficient traffic flow. Their key duties are

  • supervising airport and frequency capacities,
  • decide and coordinate flow management regulations,
  • coordinating between controller groups, especially while primary controllers are busy.

A coordinator has the responsibility to make own decisions which apply to all members of his/her controller group based on weather, traffic flow and frequency load.

General conditions

To observe the situation, Coordinators should login as CO_DEL/TWR/APP/CTR without having a primary frequency set (expect for DEL/TWR). Additional plugins (e.g. Arrival Manager, Topsky features) can be used or may be mandatory during events.

Usually the Coordinators are seperate stations. If there are not enough controllers available for that, the station with the lowest workload should do the coordinator tasks. This station may change during the day and staffing. However, the primary frequency must always be the first task in this case.

Coordination shall always take place by voice (Teamspeak or VCCS). Only if one station is available by text only (e.g. for neightbouring countries) privat chat may be used.

Delivery Coordinator Duties

With an increased number of flights on the network especially during events and online days the task of Delivery is getting more and more important and the workload is increasing immensely. To handle the outbound traffic the most efficient way it is recommended to work Delivery with two controllers, one operator and one coordinator.

vACDM should not be used during high traffic situations due to server issues.

Operator: The operator is responsible for all voice communication with the pilots on the frequency (enroute and startup clearance). He is responsible to set the clearance received flag and the startup state.

Coordinator: The coordinator has the following duties:

  • Check and editing flightplans (routing, set SID, initial climb, Squawk etc.) and for the correct ICAO callsign
  • Run vSID in auto mode (manual mode can be used as well if prefered)
  • Datalink clearances (via Topsky). Enter the ATIS code you have transmitted to the pilot into the Euroscope Remarks to indicate, that a DCL clearance has been sent.
  • Text communication (e.g. with textpilots on frequency chat and via private message prior clearance request)
  • Coordination with other stations (e.g. Tower)

Flightplan editing: Additionally if there are any errors inside the flightplan that need to be corrected (e.g. the routing), the coordinator should clarify this issues with the pilot by private message prior clearance request, not on frequency! Only if the flightplan is checked, edited and corrected the squawk should be set. That indicates the operator that the clearance can be issued.

Enroute Clearance: Before issuing the enroute clearcance the operator should check the ES remarks and the flightplan checker (FPC) if there is still any problem with the flightplan, especially if the Squawk is already set. If the Squawk was accidentally set by the coordinator and no clearance should be issued, use 0000 as manual Squawk until the flightplan is corrected.

Startup Approval: Both controllers should have the vSID startup counter open. Startup should only be issued when the amount of active startup approvals is below a certain level (see below). Startup will be issued on the "first come, first served" basis. To optimice the outbound flow minor deviations from this rule are possible. Caution: manuall confirming the SID (left click) will assign a Squawk.

Request queue: For the clearance and startup request queue the vSID plugin request function has to be used.

Optimal decision making - Capacity

To make the right decisions it is important to know what the maximum capacity of the airport at all, runways and single sectors are.

However, it is highly recommended to keep in mind that human (especially controller) capacity is variable and therefore a huge factor in defining a movement cap for specific frequencies or runways.

Outbound EDDF Inbound EDDF
RWY 18

40 / hr

every 2 min + 10 extra movement

staggered 35 - 40 / hr
RWY 25C / 25L

25 / hr

every 3 min + 5 extra movement

parallel independent 50 - 60 / hr
RWY 07C / 07R

40 / hr

every 2 min + 10 extra movement

single runway 25 - 30 / hr
Sector FS: 8 - 10 at the same time
Sector FN: 10 - 12 at the same time
max. active Startups
10 - 12
07 / 18
one active runway
two active runways
8 - 10
10 - 12

With a single runway a maximum of 30 movements per hour (Inbounds and Outbounds) can be expectetd to handle. Depending on the overall situation (e.g. during LVO), the capacity need to be reduced.

Controller groups


It is highly recommended to split TWR/DEL coordinator positions into two separate ones whenever possible. DEL/TWR Coordinator is responsible to monitor the amount of outbound traffic.

TWR/DEL Coordinator should keep the following things in mind:

  • It will take some time until you will see an effect of the regulations at the holding points, so you need to work and look in advance.
  • During high outbound rushs the primary used runway for inbounds may be changed to have more space for the outbounds.
  • Let the holdingpoint never run empty when regulating traffic.
  • Especially during high traffic loads do not deviate from the default SID assignment. Exceptions are only if the outbounds that deviate from default will stay completely independent from each other. Otherwise the APP/CTR Controllers will have a highly increased workload!


It is highly recommended to split APP/CTR coordinator positions into two separate ones whenever possible.

  • When using Holdings, CTR Coordinator is responsible for them and he should calculate times or amount of orbits.
  • Coordinate when and how to exit the holdings.
  • APP coordinator needs to decide when the APP stations can accept traffic again (final should never run empty!).
  • APP coordinator is responsible to use all APP stations' capacity accordingly (e.g. FN/FF and FS/FU sectors regarding north and south arrivals).

"EDGG Co" Euroscope profile should be used. Change the Tag to "EDGG Co" to see inbound/outbound traffic to the active airports highlighted.

Teamspeak Setup

Coordinators identify themselves with the Teamspeak function "Channel Commander". Continuous coordination within numerous Teamspeak channels can be distracting for active controllers. With the "Whisper" function they will be able to coordinate with all other channel commanders without leaving the channel or disturbing other controllers.

Tools (Extras) => Whisper Lists => Set Hotkey (e.g. "ALT" or ENDE") | Whisper to "Groups" | Group Whisper Type "Channel Commander" | Group Whisper Target "Complete Channel Family" 

EDFF_Teamspeak_whispern.PNGTeamspeak Whisper List Setup