SOP Preview 2501
EDDL - Delivery 2501
Düsseldorf Delivery is responsible for enroute and startup clearances for all departing IFR aircr...
EDDL - Tower 2501
Düsseldorf Tower is responsible for all runways and the control zone (CTR), as well as Taxiways i...
EDDL - Approach 2501
Düsseldorf Approach is primarily responsible for all arrivals and departures at Düsseldorf Airpor...
EDDF - DeIcing 2501
At Frankfurt de-icing is done around 50% at the parking position and 50% remote on the deicing pa...
EDDF - Apron/Ground 2501
Frankfurt Apron can be split into 4 stations as shown in the table and images below. Additionally...
EDDF - Tower 2501
Frankfurt Tower can be split into 4 stations as shown in the table and image below. Statio...
EDDK - Ground 2501
Airport layout Cologne-Bonn airport has three crossing runways. airport layout The airport has...
EDDK - TWR 2501
Runways The airport has three runways, two of which run parallel and one of which crosses two ru...
EDDK - Arrival 2501
The area around Cologne is divided into four sub-sectors. In addition to the Approach and Arrival...
EDDK - High Traffic Procedures
Runway allocation Outbound 13 operation: All outbounds with WTC Light and Medium are assigned ru...