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EDDK - Ground 2501

Airport layout

Cologne-Bonn airport has three crossing runways.

EDDK_Overview.pngairport layout

The airport has two passenger terminals. Terminal 1 with its two distinctive stars accommodates aprons A, B and C, and Terminal 2 with the apron area D. 

EDDK_APR.pngApron areas

The cargo area is used by several airlines and is located in the middle of the airport between the runways. It contains the apron areas E, F and W.

Apron V close to the cargo area is used for general aviation and business jets.

The military part of the airport is located west of runway 13R/31L at apron U. The military part of the apron is the home of the german Flugbereitschaft.

Area of Responsiblility

The area of responsibility of Ground is located between the three runways and includes all aprons except the military apron U (see image below). If RWY 24/06 is closed (not in use), the runway crossing can be delegated to the Ground controller.

EDDK_AoR.pngArea of Responsibility -  Cologne-Bonn Ground

Runway Crossing: The crossing of all runways is within the responsibility of Tower, but can be delegated to Ground if the appropriate runway is not in use.

Parking Positions

Parking positions are assigned by the Ground Radar Plugin based on airline and aircrafttyp according real world usage. It is recommended to use the assigned stands. The maximum aircraft size for all parking positions can be displayed in Euroscope (Tower) with shortcut ALT + B.

Aprons A - D: These aprons are the passenger terminal aprons. Aprons A-C are used for Terminal 1, while Apron D is located at Terminal 2. 

Aprons E, F, V, W: All of these aprons are home to the big cargo-city at Cologne airport. Most of the heavy lifting cargo fleet (e.g. B747), are parked on aprons E and F, while aprons Vand W are home to the small feeder fleet (e.g. B737, ATR and B757/B767).

Apron U: Apron U is used by two maintenance companies for customers' aircraft. Parking positions U10 - U14 can be used up to code C (A321/B739) and parking positions U16 - U26 only for code A (wingspan < 15m).

Apron V: Apron V is used for business jets and general aviation. Depending on the position, aircraft up to the size of a B737-BBJ can be parked.

GAT: The GAT has no real permanent home. Previously it was located as shown on the map below, northeast of the RWY14R threshold. Nowaday, general aviation is parking mostly on the aprons V and U (partially civil, partially military). The original GAT as shown on the map, is home to the helipad of the Christoph 3 rescue helicopter.

Military: Cologne/Bonn is a double purpose airport. While it mostly handles civilian aviation (either pax or cargo), it's also home to the Köln-Wahn Airbase, of the Luftwaffe. On the western part of the airport (west of 13R/31L), the so called "white fleet" (A350, 340, GLEX) is stationed. To complete the fleet stationed at EDDK, the MRTTs (Multi-Role-Tanker-Transport) A321 and A330 are also located there.

Antonov AN225 special parking procedure: Parking parallel to taxiway A on Stands E09 to E15, main gear on E12, facing north-west.

Taxiway Usage

The primary used taxiway is A, running parallel to runway 13L/31R.

EDDK_TWY.pngTaxiways at Cologne-Bonn

31-Operations: During 31-Operations, traffic from the terminals taxiing southbound will be using TWY-A, while inbound traffic vacating the runway continues on TWY-E, to A5. If there is traffic requesting pushback on the E and F stands, outbound traffic can be rerouted via TWY-E. However, this may be blocking inbound aircraft vacating from RWY 31R. 

13-Operations: During 13-operations, inbound traffic vacating RWY 13L, heading for the terminals, will be taxiing northbound on TWY-A primarily. However, if there is traffic on aprons E and F asking for pushback, the parallel TWY-E can be used as alternative, so that the traffic on those aprons is able to push.

Runway 24/06 for taxi: It is possible for in- and outbound traffic to use runway 06/24 for taxi.

GAF1GH, taxi to holding point runway 31R via Bravo, enter runway 06 and Alpha, cross runway 31L.
DAFHK, taxi right via runway 24 and continue T.

After landing or before takeoff, the word "backtrack" has to be used.

EWG1PC, backtrack runway 24, vacate T.
RYR7AF, backtrack and lineup runway 24.

Taxiway Restrictions

Taxiway B and T can only be used up to Code E aircraft. Taxiway C is limited to Code C aircraft. Taxiway D between A and T can only be used by max. Code E aircraft. The part of D east of runway 13L/31R can also be used by a B748.

Parallel taxi on A and E with Code F aircraft: If an Airbus A380 is on taxiway A, taxiway E is limited to Code D aircraft. If a B748 or an AN124 is on taxiway A, taxiway E is limited to Code E (in case of a B748 limited to Code E + B748).

Colored lines: In front of Terminal 2 aircraft up to code C can use the orange and blue line simultaneously up to position D51.

On taxiway B between L and T (marked with (!)) only aircraft with a wingspan of max. 52 m (Code D) and max. weight of 200t are allowed to taxi on it's own. Aircraft up to 234t may be towed over or taxi on their own power over the bridge if guided by a marshaller.

Potential conflicts at the ground

Due to it's layout and placement of aprons, there are several critical areas at Cologne/Bonn Airport, which can either lead to congestion or taxi conflicts.

1. The holdingpoint dilemma:

The number one area marked on the map, is the area around the holdingpoint A5/A7, the northern ends of TWYs A and E, as well es TWYs B and M, around the C-Star (Terminal 1). Especially during 13-Ops, this area heavily suffers from congestion. Departing traffic will be queuing mostly at A7, some at A5, while inbound traffic will be taxiing northbound, via TWY A, B and M, to get to Apron D. Possibilities to solve at least some of the congestion issues, will be described on the following pages.

2. A3-Area:

Number two on the map, is the A3-Area. This areas is critical in different scenarios.

  • During 31-Operations, A3 is the first suitable highspeed-turnoff for landing traffic. Due to the speed of landing and vacating aircraft, they often fail to stop short off E and continue through to A.
  • Another critical situation occurs, in the case of 24-departures. 24-departures need to cross RWY 31R at A3. Whenever traffic is instructed to taxi in the direction of the A3 holdingpoint, Ground needs to coordinate with Tower and inform him about the traffic, as TWR needs to inform landing pilots, that A3 is unavailable to vacate the RWY.

3. Taxiway B-Bridge

The third critical area is placed on TWY-B. Between Taxilane-L and the GAT (marked with (!)) taxiway B leads over a bridge where only aircraft with a wingspan of max. 52 m (Codeletter D) and max. actual weight of 200 t are allowed to taxi on it's own. A332/A333 and A343 with an actual weight of up to 234 t may be towed or can taxi with a marshaller on ther own power over the bridge.

4. Taxiway D

On taxiway D only Code E aircraft and below are allowed, except the part east of runway 13L/31R where also a B748 is allowed.

EDDK_Risk.pngPotential conflicts on ground


There are no de-icing pads available at EDDK. Every outbound has to be deiced on position prior pushback! In case deicing is required when the outbound is already offblock, it has to return to a position.